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Showing: 37 results

Barnabas Powell

Fr. Barnabas Powell is the priest at Sts. Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene Greek Orthodox Church in Cumming, Georgia. He founded Faith Encouraged Ministries in 2014 and was the host of the Faith Encouraged LIVE talk show on Ancient Faith Radio until January of 2019. Faith Encouraged Ministries continues to produce...

Updated 04/01/2022

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Luke A Powery

The Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery is the dean of Duke University Chapel and associate professor of homiletics at Duke Divinity School. A national leader in the theological study of the art of preaching, Powery regularly delivers sermons at Duke Chapel as well as at churches throughout the United States...

Updated 04/12/2021

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Emerson B Powery

Emerson B. Powery (Ph.D., Duke University) is a Professor of Biblical Studies at Messiah College where he joined the faculty in 2008. He serves on the editorial boards of the Common English Bible and the Journal of Biblical Literature (2005-Present) and is a recent past regional President of the Society...

Updated 04/21/2021

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Fran Pratt

Rev. Fran Pratt is a pastor, writer, musician, and mystic. Making meaningful and beautiful liturgy to be spoken, practiced, and sung, is at the heart of her creative drive. Fran is author of a book of congregational litanies, and regularly creates and shares modern liturgy on her website and on...

Updated 01/14/2022

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Andrew Pratt

Having trained as a Marine Biologist, Andrew Pratt taught for seven years before entering the Methodist Ministry. He is currently a Methodist Circuit Superintendent. He holds Masters degrees in science and literature, and is currently researching for a Doctorate in hymnody. Andrew has been involved in the editing of a...

Updated 09/19/2021

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Bruce Prewer

Bruce Prewer (1931-2018) was a nationally recognised poet and liturgist who gave Christianity a distinctly Australian voice. His proficiency as a poet is well known in Australian churches. His first book, Australian Psalms, became a religious best-seller. (Source and photo:

Updated 01/14/2022

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Nick Punch

Updated 05/16/2022

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