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Showing: 74 results

Jyoti Sahi

Dr. Jyoti Sahi (b.1944) is a renowned Christian painter, thinker, and writer. His painting narratives of the Gospel give Christianity a face that is indigenous, different from its traditional European understanding. He lives with his wife Jane and children in Bengaluru. (Source and photo:

Updated 01/15/2022

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Kenneth L Samuel

The Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Samuel graduated in 1978 from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut with a Bachelor of Arts degree in American History. He continued his academic pursuit by matriculating at the Candler School of Theology of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, where he received the Benjamin E. Mays...

Updated 11/12/2021

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Diana Sanchez-Bushong

Updated 05/13/2021

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David Sanders

Updated 09/24/2021

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Eric Sarwar

Eric Sarwar is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan and founder and director of the Tehillim School of Church Music & Worship in Karachi. (Source:; photo:

Updated 03/05/2021

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Paul Sauer

Paul Sauer is Pastor of The Lutheran Church and School of Our Saviour in The Bronx, New York, and Associate Editor of Lutheran Forum. (Source: Concordia Theological Seminary)

Updated 02/01/2022

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Margaret Sawyer

Updated 04/09/2022

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Hilary Jerome Scarsella

Hilary Jerome Scarsella is completing a PhD in Religion at Vanderbilt University. Her degree is in Theological Studies, with a minor in Religion, Psychology, and Culture and a certificate in Religion, Gender, and Sexuality. She researches the intersections of religion and theology with ethics, sexual and gender-based violence, trauma studies,...

Updated 04/13/2022

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Timo Scharnowski

Updated 04/14/2022

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Gemma Scharnowski

Updated 04/14/2022

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