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Showing: 15 results

Thomas O'Brien

Tom O'Brien is a Canon and Examining Chaplain for Holy Scripture in the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida. The writings presented by Tom are those prescribed in the Revised Common Lectionary for the upcoming Sundays. Tom has been a Lay Deputy to the last five Episcopal Church General Conventions and...

Updated 10/24/2024

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John O'Connor

Fr. John O'Connor is the Regent of Blackfriars Hall and Studium, and Regent of Studies for the English Province of the Order of Preachers. He grew up in County Galway in Ireland and studied Electronic Engineering at NUIG, and completed a doctorate in applied superconductivity and electron microscopy at the...

Updated 10/24/2024

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Timothy P. O'Malley

Dr. Timothy O'Malley, Professor of the Practice, is the Director of Education at the McGrath Institute for Church Life and Academic Director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy. He holds a concurrent appointment in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He is a graduate of...

Updated 10/24/2024

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Roger O'Neel

Dr. Roger O'Neel serves as Associate Professor of Music and Worship, and as director of music theory at Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH. He is a graduate of University of Texas at Austin, Southern Methodist University, and Ouachita Baptist University. Roger has served for eleven years as a full-time minister for...

Updated 10/24/2024

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Judith O'Sullivan

Sr. Judith Anne O'Sullivan lives in community in the Dominican House of Prayer in Dunedin, New Zealand. She believes we are all called to be gospel people, women and men of the risen Christ. (Source and photo:

Updated 11/26/2024

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Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver (1935-2019) was an American poet who won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize. She found inspiration for her work in nature and had a lifelong habit of solitary walks in the wild. Her poetry is characterized by wonderment at the natural environment, vivid imagery, and unadorned...

Updated 10/24/2024

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Bill Olnhausen

Fr. Bill Olnhausen is Pastor Emeritus of Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church in Cedarburg, WI. He was raised Evangelical United Brethren, went Methodist, was an Episcopalian priest for 24 years, and now for 33 years has been an Orthodox priest. He blogs regularly on the intersection of Orthodox Faith and...

Updated 10/24/2024

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Robert Ombres

Fr. Robert Ombres, former Procurator General of the Order of Preachers, lives and teaches at Blackfriars, Oxford and at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. (Source and photo:

Updated 10/24/2024

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Arlene Oost-Zinner

Updated 01/13/2025

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John Ortberg

John Ortberg is an evangelical Christian author, speaker, and the former senior pastor of Menlo Church in Menlo Park, CA. He is a graduate of Wheaton College and Fuller Theological Seminary. Ortberg has published many books including When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box; If...

Updated 10/24/2024

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