About Us

Zeteo is a resource for preachers, worship planners, and others who study the Bible. Our mission is to provide access to a thought-provoking mosaic of content from over 100 online resources through a search engine and to let your wisdom and creativity do the rest. ζητέω (Zeteo) means to seek in order to find, to seek by thinking, meditating, or reasoning; to seek after or desire; or to worship. Preaching and worship are all about seeking God’s truth for our lives. We preach God’s good news to a broken world; we sing the good news of salvation to those seeking hope. This Greek verb appears in the New Testament 115 times. A few examples: “But seek (ζητέω) first his kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33); “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek (ζητέω), and you will find” (Matthew 7:7).

Zeteo helps you seek out resources for whatever you’re doing—preparing a sermon, planning worship, teaching a class, or studying to deepen your faith—and find inspiration that spans a range of Christian church traditions.

We dug deep so you don’t have to. Zeteosearch.org is a place to search for inspiration and information on whatever you’re preaching on. Your calling is leading your congregation. Ours is making that easier by providing access to well-organized, easy-to-find content to inform and inspire your next sermon.

We help make your service stronger. Who doesn’t want to make their sermons better? Stickier? Richer? We know the stronger your message, the more it will resonate, and that’s what we’re here for. We help you easily access a variety of informative resources, helping you to listen, learn, and discern.

We welcome all Christian traditions. As different as our traditions can be, we all find our way back to the Bible and the words that will endure forever. We have much to learn from each other, even if we disagree. Find the knowledge you need. Take your faith deeper. Learn something you wouldn’t have learned anywhere else.

This site is a collaborative project of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Christian Classics Ethereal Library/Hymnary.org, with funding provided by Lilly Endowment Inc.. 118,273 web-pages are accessible through this website from a variety of sources.

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