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Showing: 67 results
Ben E. Helmer
Rev. Ben Helmer was vicar of St. James' Episcopal Church, and the staff officer for rural and small community ministries for the Episcopal Church when he retired. He has been ordained to the priesthood for thirty-eight years. He was raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, graduated from Michigan State...
Updated 01/23/2025
see moreWilliam Hemsworth
William Hemsworth is a Catholic convert, and a former ordained Baptist and Lutheran minister. He has a Master of Divinity from Liberty Universality and a Master in Theology from Saint Joseph's College of Main. He blogs at The Pursuit of Holiness. (Source:
Updated 10/10/2024
see moreRuth Anne Henderson
Ruth Anne Henderson was a university teacher in Wales until moving in 1979 to Italy, where until her retirement, she was a professor of English Language at the University of Turin. She was President of the European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities from May 2011 to May 2014, and is...
Updated 01/28/2025
see moreMarleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker
Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker, editor-in-chief of ArtWay, has a background in musicology (University of Amsterdam) with minors in art history, philosophy and liturgical studies (Free University in Amsterdam). For many years she worked as an editor, translator, researcher and writer. She edited the Complete Works of her father (art historian Hans Rookmaaker)...
Updated 11/26/2024
see moreSarah Henrich
Rev. Dr. Sarah Henric, is Professor Emerita of New Testament from Luther Seminary. She is a graduate of University of St. Thomas, Yale University, Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and Bryn Mawr College. She has written many adult curricula for Augsburg Fortress, for the Women of the ELCA, and for...
Updated 01/23/2025
see moreGeorge Herbert
George Herbert (1593-1633) was an English poet, orator, and priest of the Church of England. His poetry is associated with the writings of the metaphysical poets, and he is recognised as "one of the foremost British devotional lyricists." (Source and photo:
Updated 10/10/2024
see moreErik Herrmann
Dr. Erik Herrmann is Distinguished Professors and Research Fellow at Christ School of Theology at the Lutheran Institute of Theology. He previously served as professor of Historical Theology, dean of Theological Research and publication, and director of the Center for Reformation Research at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. He is...
Updated 01/22/2025
see moreZac Hicks
Zac Hicks (D.Min., Knox Theological Seminary; M.Div., Denver Seminary; B.A., Biola University) has been pastoring and leading worship for over two decades in churches all across the US—Hawaii, California, Colorado, Florida, and most recently Alabama. He is author of The Worship Pastor (Zondervan, 2016) and Worship By Faith Alone (IVP...
Updated 10/14/2024
see moreSyd Hielema
Dr. Syd Hielema was the director of CRC Faith Formation Ministries from 2014-2019. (Source and photo:
Updated 10/14/2024
see moreKristin Highly
Kristin Schmidt Highly is passionate about creatively communicating Christ's love to people of all ages. She wants to help others understand how powerful and exciting God's Word is. Kristin holds a Master's degree in teaching (from Biola University) as well as one in theology (from Concordia University). She currently lives...
Updated 01/29/2025
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