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Lisa Frenz

Lisa Frenz has a BA in Voice Performance from the Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California. She never thought to end up as choir director/music director at a church, but she did that for over 30 years. In the process she also wrote a few songs for...

Updated 10/14/2022

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Terence E. Fretheim

Terence E. Fretheim (1936-2020) was an Old Testament scholar[1] and the Elva B. Lovell professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary. His writings have played a major part in the development of process theology and open theism. (Source:

Updated 10/09/2024

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Christoph Froschauer

Christoph Froschauer (c. 1490-1564) was the first printer in Zurich, Germany. (Source and photo:

Updated 10/09/2024

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Reginald H. Fuller

Reginald H. Fuller (1915-2007) was an Anglo-American biblical scholar, ecumenist, and Anglican priest. His works are recognized for their consequential analysis of New Testament Christology. One aspect of his work is on the relation of Jesus to the early church and the church today. (Source:; photo:

Updated 11/26/2024

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