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Anthony F. M. Clavier

Anthony F.M. Clavier was the archbishop of the American Episcopal Church, a Continuing Anglican denomination. (Source: photo:

Updated 10/08/2024

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Bruno Clifton

Fr. Bruno Clifton, O.P. is Vice-Regent of Blackfriars Hall and Studium, Oxford, where he teaches biblical studies. His research interests include the socio-cultural contextualization of biblical texts, in particular the Hebrew Bible's former prophets, and the contribution of critical biblical scholarship to theology. (Source and photo:

Updated 10/08/2024

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Curt Cloninger

Curt Cloninger has been performing solo theatre for over 25 years. He's performed for huge conferences and for small churches, and for everything in between. He has a very full repertoire of full-length monologue shows. Since 1993 he has also been an Artist in Residence at Perimeter Church, in suburban...

Updated 10/21/2022

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David Cloutier

David Cloutier is associate professor of theology at The Catholic University of America, and formerly held the Knott Professorship in Catholic Theology at Mount St. Mary's University (MD), where he teaches courses in moral theology and Catholic social thought, and also directs a year-long seminar on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition...

Updated 10/08/2024

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Bruce Cockburn

Bruce Douglas Cockburn is a Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist. His song styles range from folk to folk- and jazz-influenced rock to soundscapes accompanying spoken stories. His lyrics reflect interests in spirituality, human rights, environmental issues, and relationships, and describe his experiences in Central America and Africa. (Source and photo:

Updated 10/08/2024

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Elesha Coffman

Elesha Coffman teaches modern U.S. and intellectual history at Baylor. She graduated from Wheaton College and worked at Christianity Today International before completing her PhD at Duke University. Her scholarly interests include American evangelical and mainline Protestant traditions, print media, assessments of cultural influence, and religious constructions of gender. She...

Updated 10/14/2022

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Kristofer Phan Coffman

Kristofer Phan Coffman is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Religion and Cultures at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Kristofer is, to the best of his knowledge, the first Cambodian to receive a doctoral degree...

Updated 10/08/2024

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Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

Richard Bruxvoort Colligan desires adventurous and imaginative music for the church. As a full-time composer and musician, he serves across denominations teaching about music and spiritual formation. Known for hymn forms, simple chant and pop-rock arrangements, he has several albums of original worship music. Richard is currently immersed in a...

Updated 10/24/2022

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Jon Collins

Jonathan (Jon) Collins graduated from Multnomah University. After working overseas in Christian ministry and then serving for a year as a pastor, Jon stepped into the marketplace to explore digital communication. He started two digital communication companies and worked with clients ranging from Google and P&G to Silicon Valley start-ups...

Updated 10/08/2024

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Chuck Colson

Charles Wendell (Chuck) Colson (1931-2012) was an American attorney and political advisor who served as Special Counsel to President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1970. Colson gained notoriety at the height of the Watergate scandal, for being named as one of the Watergate Seven, and also for pleading guilty to...

Updated 10/08/2024

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