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The Sunday Website, a service of Saint Louis University, provides weekly lectionary prayers, meditations, exegesis, suggestions for music, and visual images to enhance personal and pastoral reflections for the week ahead. Use this site to gather ideas for preparing homilies or worship services.
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The Timeless Psalms include prayers and meditations aligned with the readings in the Revised Common Lectionary, and include the full text for the week as well as a personal meditation from Joan Stott; the site runs from 2010 to 2018. Use this site as inspiration for liturgical readings, as well...
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The Twelve, from Reformed Journal, is a daily blog, with essays from scholars and pastors on a variety of topics related to pastoral ministry and Reformed theology. Use this site as a resource for personal reflection and professional encouragement and support.
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The United Church of Canada, a church with a rich, progressive, and continuing history of welcoming all in the name of Christ. The United Church of Canada has a long history of welcoming people of all backgrounds and orientations. Their website offers resources on community and faith, social action, and...
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The Work of the People is an independent ecumenical platform that produces and publishes multimedia to stir imagination, spark discussion and move people toward discovery and transformation. They offer countless videos and short films on such topics as transformation, salvation, racism, justice, resurrection, advent, hospitality, and more.
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The Yale ISM Review is a biannual, open-access online publication serving practitioners in the fields of sacred music, worship, and the related arts. Published and supported by the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, the Review surveys and offers critical reflection upon a wide variety of musical, artistic, and liturgical artifacts...
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The High Calling is a production of the Theology of Work Project in partnership with the H. E. Butt Foundation. This site collects original and curated written and recorded stories to help lay leaders and learners to think deeply about how faith relates to professional work and the surrounding culture....
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theWord is a service of the Order of Preachers, offering audible daily reflections on the Christian scriptures. Preachers are drawn from the entire worldwide Dominican family: priests, brothers, sisters, and lay people.
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Together in Worship is a curated collection of free online resources from Anabaptist sources that support communal Christian worship. Use this site to gather songs and music for collective worship, visual art, teaching resources, and individual and collective prayers to assist your congregation in engaging worship resonant with scripture, supporting...
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Torch collects original and curated articles and audio-visual resources, including the New Blackfriars journal, as well as publishing homilies for each Sunday to align with the readings at Mass. The site includes a full index of homilies indexed by liturgical day, so you can easily find preaching for that day....
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