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Faith and Leadership is a learning resource for Christian leaders and their institutions from Leadership Education at Duke Divinity. Through articles, essays, sermons, and videos, Faith and Leadership addresses a yearning for greater strength and vitality among Christian institutions and for greater faithfulness and effectiveness in the leadership and management...
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Faith & Worship is a resource for worship and small group leaders. They offer traditional, Celtic and contemporary prayers, liturgies and themed resources for the major Christian festivals, and a wide range of Bible studies.
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Faith Encouraged, run by Fr. Barnabas Powell, shares resources for lay audiences and preachers in the Orthodox tradition. Resources include free video recordings of homilies, short posts with scriptural commentary, and paid offerings such as books, gifts, and greeting cards.
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Faithward desires to follow Jesus forward into the future of the church, wherever that may lead. They are so committed to this mission that they invented a new word to describe it: faith + forward = faithward. By offering articles, sermon reflections, prayers, and Bible studies, Faithward cover a topics...
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The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is comprised of the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park and the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park. The de Young houses collections encompassing American art; art from Africa, Oceania, and the Americas; and costume and textile arts; the Legion of Honor...
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Fr. Bill Olnhausen's personal blog shares reflections and educational posts on the Orthodox church, the liturgical calendar, saints, worship and prayer, and contemporary events. Use this site for learning more about the Orthodox tradition and how it shapes personal formation.
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Rev. Fran Pratt is a pastor, writer, musician, and mystic, who writes meaningful and beautiful liturgy to be spoken, practiced, and sung. Fran is author of "Call and Response: Litanies for Congregational Prayer," a book of congregational litanies, and regularly creates and shares modern liturgy that is used in churches...
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Frank A. Thomas is one of the most creative, pioneering, and prominent thought leaders of this generation. His sermons offer inspiration and practical sermon preparation for pastors. His articles address relevant issues for those who prepare sermons and lead worship.
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Fuller Studio provides free resources for individuals, churches, and communities committed to a deeply formed spiritual life. Guided by an editorial team and advisory board, FULLER studio produces and curates content drawn from our outstanding faculty as well as from the worldwide Fuller community, translating this wealth of scholarship into...
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