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Showing: 36 results

Charlene Rachuy-Cox

Updated 04/24/2021

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Fabian Radcliffe

Updated 09/23/2021

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Timothy Radcliffe

Updated 09/24/2021

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Elyse Ramirez

Updated 05/16/2022

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Updated 09/24/2021

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Phillip Ratner

Phillip Ratner has spent many years working in sculpture, painting, etched glass, tapestry, drawing, and the graphic arts. In 1984, Philtip Ratner opened The Israel Bible Museum in Safad, Israel. Since then, Ratner has spent most of his time there developing over 250 works of art on the Bible in...

Updated 02/08/2022

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Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)

Pope Benedict XVI (born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger) is a retired prelate of the Catholic church who served as the head of the church and the sovereign of the Vatican City State from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. Benedict's election as pope occurred in the 2005 papal conclave that followed...

Updated 09/22/2021

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Marcia Rauch

Updated 01/06/2022

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Shane Raynor

Shane Raynor is an editor and content strategist for Ministry Matters.

Updated 01/07/2022

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David Haxton Carswell Read

The Reverend Doctor David Haxton Carswell Read, B.D. D.D. (2 January 1910 – 7 January 2001) was a Scottish Presbyterian clergyman and author who served as Senior Minister at the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City, New York from 1956–1989. He also served as the first Chaplain of...

Updated 10/03/2021

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