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Showing: 67 results

Johann Sebastian Bach

Updated 10/22/2021

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Martin Badenhorst

Updated 05/16/2022

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David M. Bailey

David M. Bailey is the founder and chief vision officer of Arrabon, as well as a program affiliate with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. (Source and photo:

Updated 04/15/2022

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Kenneth A. Baker

Rev. Kenneth Baker retired from full-time pastoral ministry in 2018 after serving four churches in Canada and the U.S. He now serves as a Gallup Strengths Coach, mentor, and itinerant preacher. (Source:

Updated 03/26/2021

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Jill Baker

Jill Baker lives in Glasgow and is glad to be part of the small but distinctive Methodist Church in Scotland. She is a local preacher and local preachers’ tutor in the Strathclyde Circuit. She was Vice-President of the Conference 2017/2018 and is currently Chair of the Methodist Council. Pilgrimage is...

Updated 10/01/2021

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Michael Banner

Michael Banner has been Dean, Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology and Religious Studies at Trinity College since 2006. He was previously the Director of ESRC Genomics Forum and Professor of Ethics and Public Policy in Life Sciences in the School of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, University of Edinburgh,...

Updated 03/12/2022

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Jan Baptist Barbé

Updated 09/23/2021

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M. Craig Barnes

M. Craig Barnes is president of Princeton Theological Seminary and author of The Pastor as Minor Poet. (Source and photo: Christian Century)

Updated 04/23/2021

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Eric Barreto

Eric D. Barreto is the Weyerhaeuser Associate Professor of New Testament. He holds a BA in religion from Oklahoma Baptist University, an MDiv from Princeton Seminary, and a PhD in New Testament from Emory University. Prior to coming to Princeton Seminary, he served as associate professor of New Testament at...

Updated 03/05/2021

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Robert Barron

Father Robert Barron is an American prelate of the Catholic Church serving as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is the founder of the Catholic ministerial organization Word on Fire, and his website,, is viewed by millions of people each year. Barron has published numerous books,...

Updated 07/27/2021

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