Eastertide sermon ideas

The good news of Easter cannot be contained to just Easter Sunday. Eastertide is the first fifty days after Easter or "the Great Fifty Days" that lead up to Pentecost. These days alow for an extended celebration and remembrance of the redemption of all of creation.

What is Eastertide?

The time after Easter until Pentecost is a time for the church to live into its Easter identity. This is a time for Christians to remember who they are as participants in Christ's death and resurrection and to know that they are indeed Easter people. During Eastertide worship leaders may focus on the impact of Easter by looking at Paul's epistles or examining the confessions that summarize the meaning of Christ's death and resurrection.

Joyful music continues to celebrate the fulfillment of God's promises in Christ's death and resurrection. The season also anticipates the Ascension and sending of the Spirit on Pentecost

How do I plan Eastertide sermons and worship?

When planning the sermons and worship for the Sundays of Eastertide, we can tell the story of the resurrection and think about what it means for daily, joyful living.

When is Eastertide?

Eastertide is the fifty days after Easter Sunday.

What colors may be used for Eastertide?

As a way to continue the celebration, Eastertide maintains the white and gold of Easter, colors that contrast with Lent, the season leading up to Easter.

What themes may be used for Eastertide?

For more ideas, see Easter Sunday and Easter Vigil 

Bible passage ideas for Eastertide

The season of Easter, or Eastertide, provides an opportunity to spend time in stories from scripture from the time in Jesus' life between his resurrection and ascension, which is celebrated fifty days after Easter. This is also a time to spend time in the many scripture passages also recommended for Easter Sunday or Easter Vigil.

Worship ideas for Eastertide

"The Great Fifty Days of Eastertide form a single festival period in which the tone of joy created at the Easter Vigil is sustained through the following seven weeks, and the Church celebrates the gloriously risen Christ." Article about Worship and the Sacraments by The Church of England

"In death, in life, in renewal the Promise says to the mourner: 'Peace be with you even when the wounds seem to suggest peace is not possible.'" Poetry by Rachel G. Hackenberg

"Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred: open the doors of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace, to the praise of God the Father." Prayer by The Church of England  

"We cried in awe because…
   … because he still bore the mark of the nails on his hands and the wound on his side!

Even after Easter he still bears the scars of the cross.
Even after Easter he still bears the memory and the anguish of pain.
Even after Easter he is still the one who cried: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Even after Easter he is still one of us.

One of us in our pain.
One of us in our anguish.
One of us in our forlornness.
One who can still cry with us:
'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'"

-Poetry by Justo L. Gonzáles

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