Easter Vigil sermon ideas

An Easter Vigil worship service, which occurs either late on Holy Saturday evening or very early Easter Sunday morning, begins the Easter celebration and remembers the story of redemption history as told throughout the BIble. This service provides an entrance into Easter.

How do I plan an Easter Vigil worship service?

Easter vigil is the practice of Christians gathering overnight from Holy Saturday into Easter Sunday, waiting for the dawn to break with Christ's resurrection. Staying in the middle of waiting for Christ's coming reflects our waiting after Easter for Christ to come again.

The Easter Vigil service can becomprised of four parts:

  1. Service of light
  2. Service of readings
  3. Service of baptism or renewal of baptismal vows
  4. Service of the Eucharist or Lord's Supper

When is Easter Vigil?

Holy Saturday evening or early Easter Sunday morning.

What colors could be used for Easter Vigil?

The colors for Easter Vigil are the same as Easter Sunday, white and gold.

What objects or symbols could be used for Easter Vigil?

What themes could be used for Easter Vigil?

See also Easter and Eastertide

Bible verse ideas for Easter Vigil

History of salvation

God keeps God's promises. Scripture's narrative of salvation history illustrates this time and again. An Easter vigil is a time to remember God's faithfulness in the past and to look with great anticipation toward Easter morning and the glorious fulfillment of God's promise in the resurrection of Christ. But first, in the stillness of the vigil, we wait, and we watch for dawn to break, knowing that as faithfully as the sun rises every morning, so too will God's promise be fulfilled. Christ will die. Christ will rise. Christ will come again.

God's creating and saving work

These pairs of psalms and biblical canticles or songs are associated with histocial Easter Vigil services which trace the narrative of God's creative and saving work in the Bible. Together, these Bible texts present the vision of Easter glory through the interplay of images, themes, and metaphors that point to the meaning of Jesus' resurrection.

Bible texts used in the Byzantine tradition

The Easter vigil is an ancient tradition whose rituals have been preserved for thousands of years. The following texts are used in the Byzantine rite that developed in the Eastern Christian church in Constantinople.

Worship service ideas for Easter Vigil

"Some churches traditionally hold an Easter vigil service, either late on Saturday evening or early on Sunday morning. The vigil carries a sense of longing and yearning as worshipers wait for the celebration of Christ's resurrection." Service Outline by Becky Getz from Faithward

"The idea that "liturgically" Christ isn't risen until the Easter proclamation would also make so much of what we do before that point in the vigil's liturgy wrong, or at least odd." Article about Worship and the Sacraments by Matthew S. C. Olver from The Living Church

"Fire, candles, bells, water, bread and cup offer lots of sensory input for children. Though sunrise is still probably the best time for children to experience the Easter story, this vigil on Saturday just after dark has advantages." Children's Sermon or Lesson by Carolyn C. Brown from Worshiping With Children

"Sisters and brothers in Christ: on this holy night, when our Lord Jesus passed over from death to life, we gather in vigil and prayer with members of the Christian community dispersed throughout the world." Call to Worship by Norma de Waal Malefyt from Reformed Worship

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