Easter Sunday sermon ideas

Easter Sunday worship services are services of joy, celebration, and renewal, focusing on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This day of celebration stands in start contrast to the darkness of Holy Week, where the church focuses on Jesus Christ's death. 

How do I plan an Easter worship service?

Easter Sunday follows Holy Week. In an Easter worship service, the church remembers and might reenact themove from the darkness of Good Friday and the waiting of Holy Saturday into the celebration of Christ's resurrection and what Christ's death and new life means for God's people. Some churches also might consider holding an Easter vigil service, which provides an entrance late on Saturday night or early on Sunday morning to the new day and Christ's resurrection.

This is a worship service of celebration and remembrance of Christ's victory over death and our calling into that celebration. Historically, some churches have used EasterSunday worship to celebrate baptisms because Christ's death and new life mirrors our own journey from death to new life.

In preparation for this service it's important to note that many who do not attend church regularly will attend on Easter Sunday. This may inform worship leaders' approach to certain elements of the service.

When is Easter?

Easter is the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon, which is the first full moon on or after March 21. Easter Sunday marks the first day of Eastertide, the season on fifty days following Easter and before Pentecost, where the church celebrates the redemption of Easter and remembers what that means for daily living.

What are the colors used for Easter?

The colors ofwhite and gold are used in celebration.

What are the objects or symbols used for Easter?

  • lilies
  • flowers
  • empty tomb

What are themes that could be used for Easter?

Bible verse ideas for Easter

Gospel resurrection accounts

Each of the four gospels gives its own account of the resurrection. While each story has its own take on the redemptive history, each story points to the mystery, wonder, celebration, and victory that we celebrate and remember on Easter Sunday.

Old Testament promises

As people of the resurrection, we can read and understand the many promises of salvation and redemption found throughout the Old Testament.

New Testament texts for Easter

The message of the resurrection permeates and defines the New Testament. This message brings hope and shapes the people of the New Testament and us as we live into the promises God made and anticipate the time when Christ will come again.

Sermon ideas for Easter

"Baptism is an outward visible sign of the meaning of Good Friday and Easter. Christ died. We die. Christ rose. We rise." Sermon preparation or illustration by Luke A. Powery from The African American Lectionary

"This is the day the Lord has made: death has no fear for us; sin has lost its power over us; God opens the tombs of our hearts to fill us with life. This is the day - Easter Day! Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!" Call to worship by Thom M. Shuman from Lectionary Liturgies

"Millions of Christians will celebrate Easter across the globe with many different traditions, rituals, and types of worship services." Article about worship and the sacraments by Rebekah Jordan Glenapp from Ministry Matters

Worship service ideas for Easter

"Children, who know themselves to be not very powerful and long to be more powerful, relish being allied with the most powerful Easter God." Children's sermon or lesson by Carolyn C. Brown from Worshiping With Children

"The God of glory has found our hearts.
The Lord of eternity has established our home.
We sing praises to God, for he is good.
We worship the Lord, for love has come near!

The Son of God has ransomed us to glory,
the Servant of the Lord has surpassed all death.
We fear our God, who reigns on high.
We exalt the Lord, for he has set forth goodness!

Even in tombs and secret places, God has triumphed.
Even on the hills and mountaintops, the Lord has called us to worship.
We are the chosen people of God!
We are the righteous of Jacob!

God has created a new heavens and a new earth.
The Lord has established Zion amongst us peoples.
We are the chosen people of God!
We are the righteous of Jacob!" 
(adapted from Psalm 118 and Isaiah 65) Call to worship by Becky Getz on Faithward

"[In Tanja Butler's panel,] the angel who had been guarding paradise with a flaming sword (Genesis 4:24) has put down his sword and now invites us to enter. The sentry has become a porter! He gestures toward the doorway that Christ's death and resurrection has opened for us. The fall has been undone. We are welcomed home." Artwork and scripture meditation by Tanja Butler and Victoria Emily Jones on Art and Theology

"The Marys leave the sepulcher, the text tells us, 'with fear and great joy.' . . . In her art, Samantha personifies these feelings in the form of two "heart" Marys [in the back of the procession]. In giving human form to these twin feelings, Samantha [Wedelich] shows us an image of our own muddled-up hearts." Artwork and scripture meditation by Samantha Wedelick and W. David O. Taylor 

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