Assurance of Pardon worship ideas

An assurance of pardon reminds the gathered congregation that through Christ, God's grace redeems all of creation. This is not just for personal sins but also for corportate sins as well.

How do you write an assurance of pardon?

Consider adding the following parts to an assurance of pardon:

  1. Phrases of introduction call the congregation to pay attention to the good news of the gospel. Phrases such as "Hear the good news" or "Hear the word of the Lord" point to the good news that you are about to proclaim.
  2. Throughout the Bible, we can read of God's promise to forgive and redeem. Reading one of those phrases proclaims to good news of promised forgiveness to the congregation.
  3. And because we can trust the gospel promises, we can proclaim a direct personal application such as "believe this gospel and go forth in peace" or "know that you are forgiven, and be at peace" or "live in the sure hope of Christ's promise." 
  4. The congregation can choose to respond with phrases of gratitude such as "thanks be to God."

"The good news of the gospel is that in Christ we are forgiven! The announcement of this truth is one of the most beautiful moments in worship. Using biblical words reinforces the truth that our assurance is based on God's words of promise, not merely on our own hopes and desires." (The Worship Sourcebook, 2nd ed. [Grand Rapids, MI: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2013], 115.)

Assurance of pardon ideas from the Bible

Assurance of pardon ideas for Advent

Assurance of pardon ideas for Christmas

Assurance of pardon ideas for Lent

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