Bible Reading worship ideas

The reading of the Bible in worship is an important act. The reader invites the congregation to listen and hear the word of God. For some worshipers, the Bible reading will be right before the sermon is preached. For others, Bible readings occur throughout the worship service. 

How do I introduce the Bible reading in a worship service?

The Bible is an important book. In some churches, people stand during the reading of the Bible to actively participate in and signal the importance of the reading of the Bible.

You can also consider starting the reading with an introductory phrase, signaling the imporantance of it and calling people to pay special attention to what is being said:

  • Hear the Word of the Lord.
  • Let us listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.
  • Let us hear what God is saying to us today through the reading of . . .

You can also consider using a Bible passage to introduce the Bible reading:

How do I end a Bible reading in a worship service?

Responding to the reading of scripture by active participation on the part of the congregation denotes the importance of what just took place.

  • The word of the Lord. (Congregation responds) Thanks be to God.
  • The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to _____. (Congregation responds) Glory to you, O Lord.
  • Psalm 119:105, God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Congregation responds) Thanks be to God!
  • 1 Peter 1:24–25, "The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endures forever." (Congregation responds) Hallelujah! Amen!

Where might you find the Bible reading in a worship service?

You can find Bible readings throughout the whole of a worship service. However, in some churches, there is always a Bible reading as part of the Word sequence, which contains the following parts:

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