Thanksgiving sermon ideas

Our thanksgiving worship acknowledges that God, the creator, provides all the bounty in life. Our thanksgiving worship also responds to God's call to celebrate the harvest with the firstfruits of our harvest, as found in Exodus 23:16. 

How do I plan a thanksgiving worship service?

We can celebrate thanksgiving to God in worship all year round. Some countries have special "Thanksgiving Days" set aside on a national level for giving thanks and these also provide good opportunities for the church to worship around this theme, thanking God for the bounty that God gives us in our lives.

It must be clear that the thanks is given to God and not a celebration of our own achievements. Our God-concept must include him as the great gift-giver and source of all bounty who delights in hearing our response. Though this seems obvious, it can be easy to slip away from it when the call to thanks comes from a national leader and the event seems more national/political than spiritual.

What are we thankful for?

The causes that stimulate our thanks must be clearly identified. Most national calls to thanksgiving exhort us to give thanks for the "bounties of divine providence," which usually is a reference to the economy, good crops, and the freedoms of the land. However, in our worship services we usually desire to broaden this beyond material goods to include other areas such as health; relationships in our homes, families, and communities; protection and safety in our land; the welfare of the church; and the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

When it's hard to be thankful, worship leaders must be sensitive to the fact that while some have prospered and are filled with great thanks, others are suffering loss and disappointment and may find this day a very difficult one. Such worshipers must gently be led to understand how it is that they are called to give thanks also. The story behind the well-known hymn "Now Thank We All Our God" is a powerful example: a song of thanks offered during the Thirty Years' War by a pastor called on to preside at over four thousand funerals in a year, and sometimes fifty per day!

Bible passage ideas about thanksgiving

Sermon ideas for Thanksgiving Day

"Eucharistia means thanksgiving. How wonderful that Jesus gives thanks by endlessly offering himself." Barbara Joseph Ratzinger [Benedict XVI],The McGrath Institute Blog

"The greatest gift one can give is thanksgiving. In giving gifts, we give what we can spare, but in giving thanks we give ourselves." Barbara Beam,The Episcopal Church

"As a civil holiday, Thanksgiving was established to thank God for allowing the Pilgrims to find and conquer America. For our oppressed fore-mothers and fore-fathers, Thanksgiving became a time of celebration for another reason altogether. For them, Thanksgiving was a moment of somber and sober reflection on the goodness of the Lord despite their circumstance. While they were enslaved and oppressed, in reflection on God and their circumstance, they concluded that at least they had life and it was worth celebrating. They wisely recognized that even though they did not have houses or land, fine clothes or jewelry, the knowledge of what God had done for them and what meager possessions they did have was worth celebrating." James C Perkins, The African American Lectionary

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Worship ideas for Thanksgiving Day

"For all the blessings in our life /For peace and calm amidst the strife / A thankful hymn of joy we raise / In celebration and in praise." Song by George Stuart from Worship Words

A global Thanksgiving playlist -Song suggestions from Victoria Emily Jones on Art & Theology

"We pray for all who have forgotten how to say thank you; who have gotten used to saying, 'I earned this,' and who truly feel they have only themselves to thank." -Prayer of Confession by Carol Penner from Leading in Worship

"Holy, holy, holy, God of extravagant love. All creation is filled to overflowing with your gifts. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the One who comes bearing your blessings to us. Hosanna in the highest!" Communion Liturgy by Thom M Shuman from Lectionary Liturgies

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