Christ the King Sunday sermon ideas

Christ the King Sunday is a day that focuses the worshipers attention on Christ's reign over everything in the world; it proclaims boldy that everything in all of creation must submit to Christ. 

How do I plan a Christ the King Sunday worship service?

Proclaiming that everything must submit to Christ the King, this Sunday focuses on the Lordship of Christ.

When is Christ the King Sunday?

The exact day that this Sunday is marked varies between denominations or traditions. While generally in the fall, it varies and can be celebrated on the last Sunday in October or the last Sunday of the liturgical year.

What colors do we use for Christ the King Sunday?

The colors that are used are colors of royality: white, gold, or purple.

What symbols do we use for Christ the King Sunday?

  • Crown
  • Septer

What themes do we use for Christ the King Sunday?

Bible passage ideas for Christ the King Sunday

The Lordship of Christ

While we can easily say that "Jesus is King," we easily can fail to understand the significance of what the words actually mean for us. And so, as we celebrate Jesus Christ's reign as King, we also can ask God to help us live our lives in ways that honor and submit to the King of the universe.

The kingdom of God

God's kingdom is not like the kingdoms of this world. It is just, peaceable, and full of blessing. These passages help us envision a community of wholeness in which all who hunger and thirst are nourished, the stranger is welcomed, the hurting are healed, and the captive is set free. They call us to help make manifest God's reign of justice and compassion.

Jesus reigns and prays at God's right hand

Jesus sits at God's right hand and from there intercedes for us.

Psalms of praise to God of Israel and Jesus Christ, the King

The psalms offer many examples of praise to God and, by extension, to Jesus Christ, the King.

Worship service ideas for Christ the King Sunday

"God, this God of life and love, has sent an advocate to save us, Jesus Christ risen to the right hand of God." Prayer by Christine Sine from Global Worship

"Christ is not one among others who have been exalted, but is THE exalted one." Sermon Preparation or Illustration by Eric Fistler from Pulpit Fiction Podcast

"Jesus doesn't want to be king of countries and armies, He wants to be the King of our hearts and our lives. He is the most wonderful King, the best kind of King, a King who wants to give us forgiveness, love, heaven, and eternal life with Him!" Children's Sermon or Lesson by Linda Demant from Sermons 4 Kids

"Jesus ascended in triumph to his heavenly throne. There he hears our prayers, pleads our cause before the Father, and rules the world." Scripture Drama or Paraphrase by Nelvin Jager from Reformed Worship

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