Call to Worship worship ideas

The call to worship is our entrance into worship. The call to worship is not merely a greeting from the pastor or leader, but God calling God's people into worship.

How do I write a call to worship?

When designing a call to worship it is helpful to consider the arc of the rest of the service, such as what passage is being preached on, what songs are being sung, and what themes might be considered. For example, if the sermon will focus on God's love, then integrating that into the call to worship would be appropriate. Sometimes the connections may not be as strong or may tie in more appropriately with another element of the service, but it is always helpful and important to consider them. It can also be effective and formative to repeat a particular call to worship throughout a liturgical season, sermon series, or other period of time. 

The call to worship is not a simple greeting to welcome people to church and introduce the pastors; it is intented to invite people to meet and worship God together.

A call to worship may be spoken by a worship leader, or corporately, or in a call-and-response pattern.

Bible passages can be used as a call to worship. When using Bible passages as the call to worship, some ways to frame or introduce the passage could include: 

  • "God calls us to worship with these words from . . ."
  • "Hear this invitation to worship the Lord from God's Word"
  • For psalms: "The psalmist calls us to worship God . . ."

The call to worship is part of the opening sequence in a worship service. Additionally, the call to worship could be done through music or with music interspersed with spoken words. The pieces of this opening sequence can include:

Why do we use a call to worship?

"One function of the invitation is to express welcome and hospitality. We worship in the joyful context of our renewed relationship with God in Christ. These words may be spoken with a gesture of open embrace and a genuine smile to convey the warmth of God's love.

"Another function of the invitation is to call the community to the unique activity of worship. The primary activity of the worship service is for worshipers to participate in the gift exchange of worship itself, by hearing God's Word, by offering prayers and praise, and by receiving spiritual nourishment offered at the Lord's table. The call to worship establishes the unique purpose of the worship service and reinforces the "vertical dimension" of worship—an encounter between God and the gathered congregation." (The Worship Sourcebook, 2nd ed. [Grand Rapids, MI: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2013], 48)

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