Greed sermon ideas

Greed, also known as avarice, is easily accepted in any culture that venerates wealth. Isn't greed the motor of success? Yet greed is a notorious folly, a root of all kinds of evil and misery. In sermons and pastoral care, we can remind people of the Bible's warnings against the perils of greed.

What does the Bible say about greed?

The Bible passages below can be used in sermons, prayers, or pastoral care focused on greed.



Greed in vice lists

Greed or avarice appears in lists of vices in the following Bible passages:

Reflections about greed for preaching

What is greed?

A sermon on greed can point out that in the New Testament's vice lists, greed shows up next to some of the sins that often derive from it: deceit, strife, theft, murder. In Colossians 3:5, pleonexia (greed) sits next door to porneia (lust), each a flaming and dangerous desire.

Greed is, therefore:

  • not mere covetousness, which may be restricted to just an item or two
  • not miserliness, the disposition to hoard, which might or might not accompany greed
  • not stinginess or tight-fistedness, which might or might not accompany greed

Greed as folly

A sermon on greed can also warn that, like other forms of idolatry, excessive desire for wealth often competes with desire for God, distracting the greedy from their transcendent source of security. Greed can be socially isolating, interfering with natural forms of fellowship. And it can be as addictive as it is insatiable. Those who center life on their stock portfolio will find that it is never rich enough, never thick enough.

Greed is unfulfillable. But it is, meanwhile, a notorious troublemaker. In most economic settings, capitalist or not, greed ignites a host of crimes, including extortion, graft, blackmail, kidnapping for ransom, theft, kickbacks, bribery, trading on insider information, and other forms of dishonest gain — all of which, in turn, tend to incite malice and strife.

Like the six other deadly sins, avarice is a root sin that generates a lot of other sins and a lot of misery. It also generates ironies, such as the spectacle of communist party officials who want their position not because they believe in communism, but because they want power and the wealth produced by power. (Powerful and rich communist party officials are exactly the kind of people Marx was against.)

Greedy culture

Self-control around wealth is a challenge to Christians living in any culture in which greed is freely stoked and indulged. Snobbish advertising, incessant marketing, celebration of the wealthy as the true winners in the human race (money is how you keep score) makes economic modesty look like the refuge of chumps. In such a culture, the church will need to become subversive, cultivating anti-success symbols, behavior-modification giving plans, covenants of fiscal responsibility among members, and the like.

While trying to subvert greed, the church will also celebrate the achievements of talented and generous moneymakers who use their wealth to wonderful effect. The fact is that if money is needed to support the church's ministries, somebody has to make it.

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