Refugees sermon ideas

As a child, he fled violence with his parents. As an adult, he confronted all who would listen: "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." Jesus was a refugee and challenges all those who would follow him to welcome refugees in his name.

What does the Bible say about refugees?

Sermon ideas about refugees

Jesus was a refugee

Toteach the church that the name "Jesus" is only special to us in retrospect but was, in fact, perfectly ordinary at the time, you might retell the story in contemporary language. Adnan is the #1 most popular boy's name in Syria. If Jesus had been born there now instead of in Israel 2000 years ago, it is likely he would have been named "Adnan." Draw out the parallels. They aren't hard to find.

Jesus told his disciples "the Son of man has no place to lay his head." This is a beautiful Scriptural pairing to these pictures of fleeing refugee children sleeping — some with no pillow at all, others afraid of their pillow because, throughout their whole life, the bombs came for them while they were asleep on their pillows.


A highlighted virtue for the people of Israel was hospitality. Indeed, in the New Testament's telling of it, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was, primarily, a failure of hospitality. Jesus demonstrates it by identifying as one in need of hospitality, he models it in receiving and giving hospitality to others, and the epistles enjoin this behavior of those who would follow Christ.

Do not be afraid

When news media shows pictures of the overwhelming flow of refugees, when it's hard to tell, perhaps, who is "safe" and who poses a "threat," it is natural that even Christians may respond with feelings of sorrow and feelings of fear. While this is a natural response, the Bible is clear that fear is a feeling the Christian may experience but by which he or she ought not be controlled. The Holy Spirit gives power and courage. 1 John says that "perfect love casts out fear." It may well be wise to name the fears in the room, but to also speak a word of prophetic challenge that God did not encourage us to offer hospitality only to those "like us" or only when it is easy to do so or only when it is perfectly and certifiably safe. The Bible is clear in providing a prophetic word: "Do not be afraid!"

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