Close of Worship worship ideas

The close of worship section of a worship service does not signify the end of worship. Worship does not end when we leave the space. The elements of the close of worship send the people forth, blessed and commited to live their lives in service to God. During the close of worship sequence, we hear these reminders of God's blessing and our call to live as disciples. 

How do worship services end?

Worship does not end when we leave a worship service. A clear call to discipleship or sending reminds us that our worship continues through obedient and grateful living. Like the offering, this call reminds us that our worship must bear fruit in our witness. Having come together to meet God as the children of God, we go out with the mandate to promote God's rule in the world. This challenge can be given any of several names, such as exhortation, call to commitment, charge to the people, call to service, and commissioning.

The close of worship should convey two important convictions:

  1. We live in faithful service not so that God will love us, but because God has loved us first. 
  2. We live by the power of the Spirit and thus do not need to rely on our own strength. Because of these convictions, a call to service should always be followed by a blessing. The Bible gives us not only the call to obedience but also the promise of God's presence to sustain us.

The close of worship can include a blessing. This blessing is fitting with the sending as God's blessing equips the saints of the church to go faithfully into the world and life. Blessings are offered among the priesthood of believers. While traditionally (and in some traditions exclusively) offered at the end of service by clergy, blessing is offered among God's people to each other.

Other possible elements of this concluding part of the worship service could include prayers and songs.


Ideas from the Bible for the close of worship

Close of worship ideas for Advent

Call to service or discipleship

Blessing or benediction

Close of worship ideas for Christmas

Close of worship ideas for Ash Wednesday

Close of worship ideas for Lent

Close of worship ideas for Palm Sunday

Call to service or discipleship

Blessing or benediction

Close of worship ideas for Maundy Thursday

Call to service or discipleship

Blessing or benediction

Close of worship ideas for Good Friday

Call to service or discipleship

Close of worship ideas for Easter

Call to service or discipleship

Blessing or benediction

Close of worship ideas for Ascension

Call to service or discipleship

Blessing or benediction

Close of worship ideas for Pentecost


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