The Lent Byzantine Syriac Chant

Abeer Nehme (in Arabic عبير نعمة) (born 1980) is a Lebanese singer and a musicologist. She performs traditional Tarab music, Lebanese traditional music, Rahbani music, and sacred music from the Syriac-Maronite, Syriac-Orthodox, and Byzantine traditions. She’s performed all over the world and has won many awards.


Here she sings a “Byzantine Syriac Chant for Lent” composed by Joseph Yazbeck. 

These were listed as Arabic lyrics; I’ve requested an English translation from the production company and will add them to this post.

الذهول يا يسوع الحياة!!حيا تجول فى ارجاء الاموات! وضعت فى دار الفناء اذهلت اجناد السماء مجدت بالترنيم ذاك الحب العظيم

  1. globalworship posted this
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