A Call to Worship
Pentecost 9C [Ordinary 17C] or [Proper 12C] 2010
Psalm 85

O Lord our Generous God, you have blessed us
so abundantly with your mercy and your grace.
We give thanks for your unconditional love.
May our worship bring honour to God’s holy name.

Gracious God, each day you show us your unfailing love,
and we respond joyfully to your gift of salvation.
May we experience the blessedness of your peace.
May our worship bring praise to God’s holy name.

God’s dependable love and truth are God’s gifts to
God’s faithful people; and God’s joy their sacred sign.
May God’s Shalom guide us each and every day.
May our worship bring glory to God’s holy name. Amen.

Prayers of Thankfulness and Petition
Pentecost 9C [Ordinary 17C] or [Proper 12C] 2010
Psalm 85

O Lord our Generous and Righteous God, we give thanks
for all your past mercies and the blessings you have showered
over your people - that has renewed their hope and joy;
and further built on their trust, confidence and faith in you.
Through your mercy, you have healed their differences
and guided their path to salvation and to right and holy living.
We add our responses to those of people in past generations.

O God, there are times when we, too, have wondered if you
are angry with us, and for how long would this anger would last?
At times, we become anxious and confused about what to expect
from God, both now and in the future. But you patiently call us to
listen, to be still, to hear your words of peace, justice and mercy;
and O God, you offer to us the blessings of your holy strength.

Merciful God, help us to understand that we each need to turn
aside, to turn away from our sin and failure, and to be forgiven
by God’s rich mercy. Help us to believe, and to have faith and
trust in the power and blessing of God’s salvation, and in the
hope that God will restore us to our former blessed relationship.
Help us to believe that God’s continuing relationship is one of
love and acceptance; and of forgiveness and total restoration.

Gift-Giving God, you shower us with your amazing generosity!
We look forward with joy to receiving these, your wondrous gifts
that are freely shared with all who faithfully love and serve God.
Your promised gifts of an abundance of creation’s bounty.
Your promised gifts of truth and an understanding of your truth.
Your promised gifts of grace, peace, harmony, joy and right living.
Your promised gift of life itself - as we serve you – and humanity
in your name – which is Holiness, Peace, Justice, Love and Joy. Amen.

A Personal Meditation
Pentecost 9C [Ordinary 17C] or [Proper 12C] 2010
Psalm 85

O my God, how can I thank you? How can I adequately express
my pleasure, my joy, my thanks that you have not turned away
from me, and that you are not angry with me? I rejoice in the
trust and knowledge I have of God when from past experiences,
I know that God does not hold grudges. I know that God is not
petty like me! I puff myself up with indignation and cling to real
or imagined offences against me! But God is the opposite to these
childish and wilful emotions, and to these self-centred tantrums.

Creative pause: God does not hold grudges!

O my God, how can I thank you? How can I adequately express
my relief and my joy that you will continue to show your unfailing
love to me - your love for me - and that your saving grace is there—
ready for me to receive? I listen carefully and prayerfully for God’s
words to me, God’s words of renewal and restoration; God’s words
of hope and peace; God’s words of guidance, wisdom and blessing.

Creative pause: I continue to listen for God’s words to me.

O my God, how can I thank you? How can I adequately express
my feelings of hope and trust in your promises? You know that I
always seek to honour and worship you; and even when I fail in this,
I know I can trust in your unfailing forgiveness, if I turn aside from
my foolishness, my pride and my sin; and try to start afresh with you.

Creative pause: I know I can trust in God’s mercy.

O my God, how can I thank you? How can I adequately express
my amazement at your promises! Your peace is like new growth
bursting out of the earth into richness of life! Your peace is like
a trusting embrace - a kiss of shalom! The promise of your blessing
and love is like a monarch’s herald going before me, preparing the
way for me to follow in God’s steps of truth and bountiful living;
and that journeying with my God is as warming as a loving smile!

Creative pause: Each day, my life is filled with God’s blessings!

Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union'); as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.

If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2010 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year C. Used with permission.


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