Planning for the Future

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A Reformed Perspective on the Book of James

Planning for the Future

May 29, 2015   •   James 4:13-17

A lot of us find it all but impossible to live without calendars today. Check the Google Calendar or Franklin Day Planner for most of us and you will see dates written down many months into the future: planned vacations, upcoming weddings, appointments at school or work. You name it, and we mark it down even a year or more in advance. So how do we square all that planning with Jesus’ famous words in the Sermon on the Mount about not worrying about tomorrow? Or, as we will discuss today on Groundwork, how do we square all of that with some very direct words of caution from the Apostle James about not letting all our future planning cause us to stumble in our faith? Join us as together we discover what James thinks is the appropriate way to plan for the future.

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