Responsive Call to Worship: Psalm 122

Here’s a call to worship litany inspired by Psalm 122.  It was written by Joan Stott.

Call to Worship
(based on Psalm 122)

We come in joy to celebrate and worship God in this sacred
space, where countless people have known God’s presence.
We give thanks for the sense of awed reverence we experience
as we have come together to share in our praise of God.

We come in expectation to celebrate and worship God in
this sacred space, where we can experience God’s Shalom.
We give thanks for the freedom and peace we experience,
as we have come together to share in our praise of God.

We come in trust to celebrate and worship God in this sacred
space because here we are challenged to faithfulness.
We give thanks for the God who understands and love us,
and who hears our fears, our tears and our songs of praise.
We joyfully come together to share in our praise of God. Amen.

~ written by Joan Stott, on The Timeless Psalms.  If used in shared worship, please provide the following written acknowledgement: © 2010 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year A. Used with permission.