Believe: Jesus and the Disciples

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Cultivating Faith: Post-Resurrection Appearances of Christ

Believe: Jesus and the Disciples

May 6, 2022   •   John 20:19-31

The faith of the first Christians was grounded in their unshakable belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But even the disciples experienced fear and doubt as they began to hear stories of people who claimed to have seen the resurrected Jesus. As we study the first interactions between Jesus and his disciples, and particularly the disciple we’ve come to know as “Doubting Thomas,” we find assurance that Jesus is ready and willing to meet us wherever we are in our faith journey. These biblical accounts provide encouragement for times when believing in Jesus isn’t easy and they remind us that believing is a lifestyle, not a one-time event. Join us as we study John’s account of Jesus’ first post-resurrection appearances to his disciples, and together we’ll witness how believing cultivates faith and provides us hope to nurture our faith today.

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