Pentecost Intercessions

with sung response (more information below)

Great God, you wrap us round with love,
like a mighty, gentle mother,
and you carry us like a strong and tender father,
setting us on our feet
to be your free, mature and joyful daughters and sons.

Now, in our weakness, we pray to you
because we cannot come through life’s troubles unscathed;
and, with souls and bodies stressed and strained,
we cannot meet each other’s needs without your Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, come with healing power;
Spirit, gift of Christ, fill us with us God’s love.

Great God, we come to you with the resurrected Christ,
who bore the weight of human flesh and blood to Calvary,
for your love’s sake;
and even now, as conqueror of death,
he pleads with you for all your suffering children.

Holy Spirit, come with healing power;
Spirit, gift of Christ, fill us with us God’s love.

We join our prayers to the prayers of Christ
for those we know who are ill or troubled,
and for all your suffering children who are beyond our reach of mind:
we know that all are brought home to your heart
in the prayers of Christ
and in the silent intercessions of your Spirit,
who comes from your deep heart to ours,
and returns again to you with all our deepest longings.

Holy Spirit, come with healing power;
Spirit, gift of Christ, fill us with us God’s love.

Heal us and help us, comfort and strengthen us, deepen our joy.
Let our love reflect your might tenderness
and serve you healing gentleness.

Holy Spirit, come with healing power;
Spirit, gift of Christ, fill us with us God’s love.

Eternal God, there is great longing in the world;
people are desperate because of the suffering they endure.
Earth cries out for peace; oppressed people cry for justice;
women, men and children weep in sorrow and pain.
How can we have any hope for the world,
unless you are with us?
Through all the mystery of pain, sorrow and human vulnerability,
we dare to believe that you are on our side,
that your love for us is greater than ours for you or for each other.
Call us, then, to prophesy!
By the lives we live, by our patience, by our compassion,
by our belief in the future you will make for us,
let your Church proclaim the great things you are doing,
with hope for the nations of the world,
for every person born, and every living creature.

Holy Spirit, come with healing power;
Spirit, gift of Christ, fill us with us God’s love.

So, Living God, let praise begin, here and now with us,
welling up from our hearts,
rising towards the skies,
until praise fills the universe and joy is unconfined:
as you delight in us and we delight in you, for evermore.

 — Alan Gaunt, © 2005. 
The congregational response (in italics above) can be sung to the melody of the Taize chant, Ubi Caritas. 

One of many Prayers for Pentecost posted on the United Reformed Church website—be sure to check them out.  The website suggests that these prayers may be freely used by local churches and individuals in their worship. It may not be resold in any form or used for any commercial purpose without the prior permission of the author.” 

For more prayers of intercession and other worship resources for Pentecost Sunday (June 12, 2011), click on Pentecost in the list of links at the lower right side of the page.